
Our free collaborative project management solution.



Keep track of all your projects in one place. With Macchiato you will know when people are commenting, when tasks are progressing through your customisable queues and search for specific task types by tagging them. Project management has never been easier, with Macchiato you can keep on top of all your work ensuring all of your high priority tasks are completed first. Need something completing but the end of the week? Why not set a deadline?



Add members to your projects to be able to assign tasks and comment on them. The request and task comments feature gives you the ability to speak with your team in a chat setting and keep up to date with the progress. With groups you are in control, you can set permissions for members in order to ensure people have the correct level of access.

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What is this going to cost me?

In both the app and on the web you can keep track of your usage, if you need more it is as simple as clicking on the upgrade button and selecting the right package for you. None of our pricing tiers charge for the number of users you have with all (including the free tier) allowing you 200 users. If you require more then 200 users just let us know via the Contact Us page. Check out our pricing here!


Collaborating with Macchiato

We created a short video to show how you can create a new project and invite people to collaborate with you.